Here is a selection of projects I've toyed with or previously developed. I also occasionally contribute issues or pull requests, as seen on my GitHub Profile.

This Site
This site is a rewrite of my original Polymer-based site, keeping the Material theme using Vuetify. NuxtJS provides a framework to just focus on the comment, and GitHub Actions provide a CI/CD platform for effortless updates.
(X)HTML VueJS NuxtJS Firebase Hosting GitHub Actions
A WIP Android logging application for QSO's (Ham Radio contacts). I've tried to use Android best practices, such as progressive enhancement with bigger screens and material design. Once I have syncing via cloud services (initially Dropbox) working between this app and Xlog, I will release this on the Play Store.
Android Kotlin Room Hilt WIP
A Firefox add-on using the (Jetpack) Add-on SDK to record new papers in Astro-ph for easily posting on the UToledo Physics Department's Hot Topics journal club. It hasn't been rewritten as a WebExtension, but does support e10s and goes through Mozilla's review process for add-ons.
(X)HTML JavaScript Firefox Addon GitHub
Model Grid Site
Website generated concurrently with a model grid of simulations. A Python program is run every hour to keep the simulations running, produce synthetic observations of completed simulations, and create associated thumbnails or HTML pages using Jinja2.
(X)HTML Python3 SQLite jQuery JavaScript Jinga2 DataTables
This Site (Previously)

This website was my first using Polymer and Firebase Hosting. The decision to use Polymer in order to embrace the then-new concept of web components was a flawed experience: Polymer 1.x and 2.x relied on proposed standards that never became adopted into browsers, and never performed as well as alternatives in other frameworks.

(X)HTML JavaScript Polymer Firebase Hosting
Simple Pascal Interpreter
Following lessons in Let's Build A Simple Interpreter in several languages. Unlike the author of those blog posts, I've used Enum objects (introduced in Python3.4) to simplify the code for the Python versions. I've also used this as a way to brush up on newer versions of C++ and Perl.
Python3 Ruby Perl6 C++14 Pascal GitHub
Our Wedding Website
Simple static website. Used Coffeescript and Sass converters for Jekyll to generate the website, and GitHub for low-maintenance hosting.
(X)HTML jQuery Coffeescript Sass Jekyll GitHub
A website used internally to list and summarize the available data for a sample of protostars used by the HOPS team. Thumbnails are generated from an assortment of telescopes, FITS and LMV files are searched for relevant files (with easy download or viewing with JS9), results of Furlan, et al's SED fitting, archive/database search results , and links to other archive/database searches are given.
(X)HTML jQuery Coffeescript D3.js Jekyll Bootstrap
Autolycus Bus Time Predictions
This app stemmed from a simple use-case: the ability to tap a shortcut on an Android home screen, and see predictions for the next few buses at a particular bus stop. While my use was with the Chicago Transit Authority, the design allowed for other transit authorities using the Clever Devices BusTime API. Development ceased once I moved out of the Chicago area; the Google Maps app can now replace this app.
Android Java SQLite GitHub
Wanting a convenient way to assess how much time until needing to leave to catch the bus, I wrote this Firefox extension to add arrival time predictions to the status bar. Development ceased once I obtained a smartphone with data connectivity and created see Autolycus.
XUL JavaScript Firefox-addon GitHub
Simple GTK2 program for downloading or viewing schedules from the Chicago Transit Authority system or PACE suburban buses. While it works fine on a PC, I cross-compile to ARM to run this on my OpenMoko Neo Freerunner. Development ceased after the CTA rolled out GPS tracking on their buses and I started ChiBusTrack.
GTK2 C Autotools GitHub